Macdonald Commercial/CORFAC International
1827 W. 5th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6J 1P5
Senior Vice President
604-328-7000 (cell)
604-736-7976 (fax)
Brian joined Macdonald Commercial in 1992. Prior to that, Brian was with Coldwell Banker Commercial (now CBRE) and Penreal Advisors, a Canadian pension fund advisory group. Since entering the real estate brokerage industry in 1986, Brian has focused his activities on development sites (including strata dissolutions) and investment properties in all asset classes around greater Vancouver. To date, Brian has accumulated sales of over $2 billion and has leased over 2 million square feet. In addition to development, investment and leasing knowledge, Brian has over twenty years of hands-on experience in the renovation and value-added strategies of owning commercial real estate. Brian has been an expert witness on several real estate proceedings and has extensive background in the foreclosure area of commercial real estate. Brian holds a joint major in Business Administration and Economics from Simon Fraser University.